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i-Pix BB7 LED Beam Light i-Pix BB7 LED Beam Light. Orders will ship from Berlin, Germany. If looking to pick up locally please contact us for specific availability. NOTE:... 105
13053 Berlin

MA Lighting Digitaldimmer 12x 2.3 kVA Es steht ein MA Lighting Digitaldimmer 12x 2.3 kVA - Harting Han 16E Ausgänge - DMX 512 XLR5 in/out zum Verkauf. Der Dimmer... 1500€
72770 Reutlingen

MA Lighting 24x 2,3kW Dimmerrack inkl. Patchfeld und Stromverteilung Zum Verkauf steht ein Set aus 2x 12-Kanal-Dimmern der Firma MA Lighting inkl. Patchfeld auf 8x HAN16 und 6x Schuko. Die Dimmer und das Patchfeld sind... 3500€
22761 Hamburg

DTS DTS Flash8-P36 8 Lite Blinder 6er Set inkl. Leuchtmittel und Case Schweren Herzens trennen wir uns von unseren DTS-8 Lite Blindern. Die Blinder verfügen über einen HAN-16 Anschluss und zwei Steckdosen die... 2400€
22761 Hamburg

Arri Junior 650 Plus Schwarz Arri Junior 650 Plus Schwarz Zum Verkauf stehen Arri Junior 650 Plus Stufenlinsenscheinwerfer in schwarz. Die Scheinwerfer sind optisch und funktional in einem guten bis sehr... 300€
22761 Hamburg

Martin Mac 500 teilweise defekt Zum Verkauf stehen 6x Mac 500 der Firma Martin. Die Lampen haben verschiedene Fehler und werden deswegen als defekt verkauft. Für den eifrigen...
22761 Hamburg

Studio Due City Color 1800W IP33 incl. Case Wir trennen uns von unseren 6 Stk. City Color 1800W IP33. Dabei handelt es sich noch um die gute Qualität aus Italien - keine... 200€
4540 Pfarrkirchen bei Bad Hall

JB Lighting Scancontrol 1612 Wir trennen uns von unserem JB Scancontrol 1612 technisch & optisch einwandfrei - Case die üblichen Gebrauchsspuren Auf Wunsch und gegen... 125€
4540 Pfarrkirchen bei Bad Hall

Electro Voice X-Array XN Speaker Martin Professional / Elation M6 Lighting Console without flightcase Order now:... 795€
6245LR Eijsden

ROBE Lighting BMFL Spot ROBE Lighting BMFL Spot moving light in flight case. !! Minimum order 2pcs !! Photos available on request. For More Info, please visit ... 3400€
UB3 4PA London

High End Systems SolaSpot 1000 LED High End Systems SolaSpot 1000 LED CMY moving light with omega brackets and trigger clamp in a High End flight case. Photos available on... 1999€
UB3 4PA London

Clay Paky Hepikos Clay Paky Hepikos beam-wash 440W moving light in double flight case. !! Minimum order 2pcs !! Photos available on request. For More Info,... 2999€
UB3 4PA London

Robert Juliat Dalis 860 V2 Robert Juliat Dalis 860 V2 300W LED asymmetric cyclo light with quick trigger including quicktrigger pin, safety sling with quickrig eye in 6-way... 2199€
UB3 4PA London

ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source 4 jr CDM150W Zoom 25-50 degrees ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source Four jr CDM150W/3000° K Zoom 25-50 degrees theater profile light. Photos available on request. For... 209€
UB3 4PA London

Philips HQI 2000 MVP 507 Philips HQI 2000 MVP 507 400V/2KW/4200° K flood light with ballast. Photos available on request. For More Info, please visit ... 789€
UB3 4PA London

ROBERT JULIAT TIBO-505 Tungsten ROBERT JULIAT TIBO-505 Tungsten profile theater light. Photos available on request. For More Info, please visit ... 209€
UB3 4PA London

ETC-Electronic Theater Controls Source 4 Zoom 25-50 Profile Used ETC-Electronic Theater Controls S4 Zoom Profile 750 W theater light with with 25-50 degrees zoom lens in quad flight case. Photos on... 475€
UB3 4PA London

ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source 4 750W 50 degrees Used ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source 4 HPL 750W theater light with 50 degrees lens. Photos on request. For More Info, please visit... 265€
UB3 4PA London

ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source 4 750W 19 degrees ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source 4 HPL 750W theater light with 19 degrees lens. Photos available on request. For More Info, please visit ... 209€
UB3 4PA London

ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source 4 750W 10 degrees ETC-Electronic Theatre Controls Source 4 HPL 750W theater light with 10 degrees lens. Photos available on request. For More Info, please visit ... 315€
UB3 4PA London

ROBERT JULIAT 714 SX2 Profile ROBERT JULIAT 714 SX2 15°-40° 2kW theatre zoom profile spot light in double flight case. !! Minimum order 2pcs !! Photos available on... 735€
UB3 4PA London

ADB Lighting MEMORACK 30 6x5KW Dimmer Rack 1pc ADB Lighting MEMORACK 30 6x5KW dimmers 1pc Power board with 125 A in / 12x 32A mono out / 4x Harting 16p out / DMX in-out All in wooden dimmer... 999€
UB3 4PA London

ADB Lighting MEMORACK 30 12x5KW Dimmer Rack 2pcs ADB Lighting MEMORACK 30 12x5KW dimmers 1pc Power board with 125 A in / 12x 32A mono out / 4x Harting 16p out / DMX in-out All in wooden... 1999€
UB3 4PA London

Avolites ART 2000 24x5KW Power Rack Avolites ART 2000 24ch x 5KW dimmer rack. Photos available on request. For More Info, please visit ... 6499€
UB3 4PA London

MA Lighting Dimmer 12x 2.3kVA Single Pack, 19 "/ 3HE MA Lighting Dimmer 12x 2.3kVA Single Pack, 19 "/ 3HE. Orders will ship from Berlin, Germany. If looking to pick up locally please contact us for... 1460
13053 Berlin

MA Lighting 48x 2.3kVA Dimmer Rack MA Lighting 48x 2.3kVA Dimmer Rack. Orders will ship from Berlin, Germany. If looking to pick up locally please contact us for specific... 9550
13053 Berlin

Avolites ART 2000 Powercube Used Avolites ART 2000 Powercube dimmer pack. Photos on request. For More Info, please visit... 1999€
UB3 4PA London

Showtec Stage Beam MKII 650-1000w Fresnel (New) Showtec Stage Beam MKII 650-1000w Fresnel, showtec fresnel 1000watt Order now:... 69€
6245LR Eijsden

ROBE Lighting ROBIN SPIKIE Used ROBE Lighting ROBIN SPIKIE LED wash/beam moving light with omega bracket, quick trigger clamps, safeties and power cable in 8-way flight... 1739€
UB3 4PA London

ROBERT JULIAT BUXIE Package 1pc ROBERT JULIAT BUXIE MSD 575HR follow spot with gobo holder 2pcs Iris/Dimmer 1pc Spigot fix on spot 1pc Manfrotto 070BU stand All in... 2399€
UB3 4PA London

ROBERT JULIAT FLO MSR 1800 Package 1pc ROBERT JULIAT FLO MSR 1800W follow spot with gobo holder 1pc GT4000 stand 1pc Ballast 1pc 3m powercon cable All in flight case. Photos... 5699€
UB3 4PA London

ROBERT JULIAT CYRANO HMI 2500 Package 1pc ROBERT JULIAT CYRANO HMI 2500 3°-8° follow spot light with Gobo holder 1pc Ballast with Harting 16P cable 1pc GT4000 stand All in... 11990€
UB3 4PA London

Dynatec DMX Booster Package Dynatec Dmx Booster Package with 8x5-pins DMX IN, 24x3-pins DMX OUT and 24x5-pins DMX OUT with Furman in flight case. Photos available on... 1299€
UB3 4PA London

Luminex Network Ethernet to DMX8 MKII Luminex Network Ethernet-DMX8 MKII extreme powerful Ethernet-to-DMX converter. Photos available on request. For More Info, please visit ... 1499€
UB3 4PA London

SWISSON XSR-5R2-5R2-US Package SWISSON XSR series DMX and RDM splitter package with 4x3 5-pin outputs and 4x2 X 3-pin outputs in flight case. Photos on request. For More... 2149€
UB3 4PA London

ETC Source 4 Profiler Kein anderer Scheinwerfer bietet solch brillante Optiken. Die revolutionäre Technologie des Source Four erzeugt einen sauberen, weißen... 90,00€
40721 Hilden

OSRAM Sirius HRI 330w X8 NEW original lamps, OSRAM SIRIUS HRI 330w X8 for moving heads: ACME XP-16R AMERICAN DJ VIZI HYBRID RX Clay Paky SHARPY PLUS Clay Paky... 255€
02453 Krakow

PHILIPS MSR Gold 300/2 Mini FastFit NEW original lamps. PHILIPS MSR Gold 300/2 Mini FastFit, socket PGjX28 for moving heads: Clay Paky ALPHA Beam 300 Clay Paky ALPHA Spot HPE... 145€
02453 Krakow

02453 Krakow

PHILIPS MSR Gold 700 FastFit PHILIPS MSR Gold 700 FastFit, socket PGJX50 for moving heads: ROBE Colorspot 700E AT ROBE ColorWash 700E AT also PHILIPS MSR Gold... 225€
02453 Krakow