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Preis: 200,00 € netto excl.19% MwSt.
          238,00 € brutto incl. 19% MwSt.
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Verfügbare Anzahl 1
Erstellt: 11.03.2025 09:11

The DB90-TX is an integrated audio converter that translates the audio signal into a high quality compressed audio stream. The signal is compressed with HE-AAC, MPEG-1 Layer 3 encoder. In order to ensure audio transmission without quality loss, the DB90-TX also supports an uncompressed PCM stream. The audio compression is performed in real time and the output signal is transmitted directly over IP-based networks.

The DB90-TX can work with both analog and digital audio signals. Although sophisticated, the DB90-TX comes in a small and compact form that allows quick and efficient streaming of the program audio to the Internet. The unit can be used as an Icecast compatible server, Icecast Source Client, or Real Time Protocol (RTP) sender.

Developed with the goal of easiness of use, the DB90-TX can be managed through a standard Web browser. iOS and Android devices are also supported, making this tool the best choice for not only professional, but also newbie broadcasters.

Audio Transmission over IP-based networks

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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Kobayashimaru Moving Images

Wilhelmstraße 45/1

71638 Ludwigsburg


Vertreten durch: Herr Michele Feresin

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:

Steuernummer :55121/77099
USt-IdNr: DE237501039

Finanzamt Ludwigsburg

MHL Media Hub Ludwigsburg
Wilhelmstrasse 45/1
DE DE, 71638, Ludwigsburg
Telefon: 015170808384
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