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Preis: 299,00 € netto excl.19% MwSt.
          355,81 € brutto incl. 19% MwSt.
Pro Stück
Erstellt: 24.01.2025 16:17


The rugged COLORdash PAR H12X IP RGBWAUV LED wash efficiently delivers a broad palette of subtle to saturated color with beautiful precision, weighing in under 12 lbs while delivering over 4,500 lumens of output. Flawlessly smooth 16-bit fades with four selectable dimming curves. Flicker-free output with multiple PWM frequencies. Punch up a hot pink, mix a delicate pastel, pick a perfectly calibrated Kelvin color temperature, or trigger intense strobe effects. With RDM to remotely choose its DMX personality and an OLED display to easily read its onboard menu, the COLORdash PAR H12X IP offers convenient operation and excellent performance as an IP65-rated all-weather die-cast workhorse at home in any environment, in the rig or on the floor, live or on camera, indoor or out.
AED Rent GmbH
Am Alten Galgen 19a
56410 Montabaur
Phone: +49 2602 999 371 60
Fax: +49 2602 999 371 18

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Kexel
Handelsregister: HRB20305 Amtsgericht Montabaur
USTID: DE247866684