Huge Audiovisual Auction ending Mon. 18/11/2024 from 19h
Shipping is possible within the EU
Online Auction with: Aerial Lift, Trusses, Movingheads, Mirrorballs, Lighting Desks, Strobes, Speakers, Blinders, DJ Gear, Mixers, Microphones, Windups, Cables, Flightcases,...
With brands: Prolyte, Luxibel, Martin, ADJ, Showtec, Briteq, Shure, Showven, Nova, RCF, Contest, Milos, Protruss, Magic FX, Soundcraft, Yamaha, JBSystems, Alto, Chamsys, Pioneer, dBTechnologies, Sennheiser, QSC, DAP, Behringer, Verlinde, Prolights, DMT, ShowTex, Strand,...
Bidding starts Mon. 11/11/2024: