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Preis: 4 235,00 € netto excl.20% MwSt.
          5 082,00 € brutto incl. 20% MwSt.
Pro Stück Verhandlungsbasis
Erstellt: 28.02.2024 11:27
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 20.08.2024 12:36

Barco MiTrix LED Screen System includes:

348 x MiTrix LED Tiles
20 x Omix Controllers
Selection Of 268 x Various Cables
3 x D320L LED Digitizer
1 x DVI Input Cards
3 x HDSDI Input Cards
Total Screen Area is approx: 15m²

Ex rental, used on TV shows, never toured and owned from new, in good used condition.

More information on request.
