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Preis: 750,00 € netto excl.25% MwSt.
          937,50 € brutto incl. 25% MwSt.
Pro Set
Verfügbare Anzahl 1
Erstellt: 30.05.2022 06:39

Circle parts for Prolyte and Kleu podiums , made for 40x40mm legs

3 set. Circle with a diameter of 140cm
(1 pcs must be used. 1x1m podium, must be used, not included)

1 set . Circle with a diameter of 140cm, one side faces the arch inward
(1 pcs must be used. 1x1m podium, must be used, not included)

Net Total price 750€ (for alle 4 set)
All prices is exclusive shipping costs and VAT