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Preis: 449,00 € netto excl.17% MwSt.
          525,33 € brutto incl. 17% MwSt.
Pro Stück Festpreis
Verfügbare Anzahl 50
Erstellt: 06.04.2022 14:03
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 06.04.2022 14:04

S52 Series truss is constructed or main chords (50 x 4 mm) and diagonal members (25 x 3 mm - 30 x 3 mm). Equipped with the CCS7 conical coupling system, the S52 truss is fast and easy to assemble. The S52 truss offers a strong truss with a very high loading capacity. This study truss is a standard for rental companies all over the globe. The clever pin orientation guarantees fast and fool proof assembly. S52 truss is available in rectangular and square profiles and a range of corners and accessories.

einige 1m, 0,50m Teile auf Anfrage

Abholung in Luxemburg
MWSt ausweisbar