Vistek V1603 Modulares Audio Video System Splitter Presse Verteiler

Videotechnik -> Medienserver -> Vistek V1603 Modulares Audio Video System Splitter Presse Verteiler


Preis: 300,00 € brutto incl.19% MwSt.
          252,10 € netto excl. 19% MwSt.
Pro Set Verhandlungsbasis
Erstellt: 18.03.2025 17:46


Vistek V1603 Modulares Audio Video System Splitter Presse Verteiler
im Case.
5xV1638 Audio DA Analog 1xdefekt dazu
5xV1617 Video DA Analog
Rückdeckel lose-defekt
Es handelt sich um gebrauchte Geräte aus Vermietbestand.
Altersgemäßer Gebrauchtgerätezustand. Verkauft wird nur, was auf den Bildern zu sehen ist und im Text beschrieben wird.
Aus dem zum Artikel gehörigen technischen Informationen des Herstellers haben wir folgende Daten entnommen:
VISTEK V1617 analogue video
distribution amplifier
HU-V1617 7
The top bank of front-panel switches enable the operation of the equaliser in the V1617 to be adjusted for
different applications. The Equaliser OFF – ON switch is provided to disable the equaliser if not required or
for system test purposes. The equalisation characteristic can be set to either a cable (CAB) to compensate
for losses in the input cable connection or to chrominance (CHR) for adjustment or colour saturation of a
composite video signal when the error is in the source rather than due to cable losses.
Provision is made in the unit for fitting a custom equaliser for special equalisation requirements. If a custom
equaliser is fitted this is selected by the switching the EQ1 – EQ2 switch to EQ2.
The chrominance equaliser modifies the response of the amplifier to introduce either loss or boost at
frequencies around the subcarrier frequency. The centre frequency of the equaliser is selected by the PAL –
NTSC switch, this optimises the equaliser for use with subcarrier frequencies either 4.43MHz or 3.58MHz
The lower two control switches control the operation of the video clamp: The OFF – ON switch enables the
clamp to stabilise the DC level at the output of the amplifier and attenuate superimposed low frequency
signals such as power frequency interference. The time constant of the clamp can be selected using the
Slow – Fast switch.
In the Slow position the time constant of the clamp corresponds to approximately 12 television lines. This
time constant is optimised for normal operation and gives good reduction low frequency interference without
being significantly effected by noise or impulsive interference. In the Fast position the clamp time constant
reduced to approximately six lines. This setting may be used to increase the attenuation of interfering low
frequency signals; this does however increase the susceptibility of the clamp to errors introduced by noise or
impulsive interference.
The V1638 is a broadcast quality analog audio distribution amplifier which forms part of the Vistek V1600
range of interface products. It is a 3U high card which is fitted into either a V1601 or V1603 rack, from
which it receives its power. The V1638 is fully controllable by the DART remote control interface and either
the V1605 remote control panel or the Vistek ViewFind PC-based host. . A passive rear module with screw
terminal connections, is required for all signal interconnections. Rear assemblies with screw terminal
connectors providing 8 outputs and rear modules with D-sub connectors providing 10 outputs are available.
The unit accepts two differential mono audio inputs and distributes each of these signals to 5 differential
mono outputs. The card can therefore be used as a stereo 1:5 distribution amplifier. Modes whereby either
input or the sum of both inputs is distributed to 10 outputs are provided and are selected by on-board DIL
switches or the DART remote control interface.
The V1638 has 2 population options:
The base version has direct balanced inputs and outputs intended for local distribution applications.
The line version has transformer coupling on both inputs. On either version input impedance may be set to
600Ω or 20kΩ by means of on-board jumpers.
Base version: 2 x balanced analog channels, Zin = 20kΩ or 600Ω, max input 28dBu
Line version: 2 x transformer coupled channels, Zin = 20kΩ or 600Ω, max recommended input
is +20dBu
Monitoring: 3.5mm Stereo jack socket -18dBu into 600Ω w.r.t. main outputs
Main outputs: 2x5 x balanced analog channels, Zout £ 50Ω, max output 28dBu into 10kΩ
Resistor coupled expander panel:
A rear panel expander is available which is fitted with a 96Way DIN 41612 connector and comes
complete with a locking, cable-mounted 96Way DIN41612 plug assembly with solder bucket
terminations. The expander has 4 resistor-coupled outputs for each of the 5 main outputs for
channels A and B. Using this expander panel, the V1638 can function as a 20+20 DA when driving
high input impedances (³ 10kΩ).
The resistor coupled outputs of the expander panel should not be used to drive 600W loads
A digitally controlled gain block allows independent user control of the gain of each input channel, over a
range -95.5 to +31.5 dB. The gain is adjustable by front panel rotary switches (Local mode) or via the
DART control interface (Remote mode). Standard version offers gain resolution of 0.5dB from both
remote interface and panel, and hi-resolution version offers gain resolution of 0.25dB over remote interface
and 0.5dB from panel controls.
The input for each output group (Aout[1..5], Bout[1..5]) may be sourced from Ain, Bin or (Ain + Bin) and is
selected by on-board DIL switches (Local mode) or via the DART control interface (Remote mode).
The V1638 has an active first order lowpass filter on each input channel. Rolloff point (-3dB) may be set to
60 kHz or 120kHz by jumper option. LEDs for indication of clipping and low input for each channel are


Frank Evers
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DE10785, berlin
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