i3 NEW i3 - CAIR
Videotechnik -> sonstige Videotechnik -> i3 NEW i3 - CAIR
150,00 € netto excl.21% MwSt.
181,50 € brutto incl. 21% MwSt.
Pro Stück VerhandlungsbasisErstellt:
14.03.2025 16:36Zustand:

i3 - CAIR
The i3CAIR integrates seamlessly with our EDU /BIZ Studio, bringing ease of use and simplicity to your workspace or classroom. Check your indoor air quality at all times thanks to the i3CAIR widget
Real-time data
View the conditions of your indoor air quality in real-time and a 7-day history right from your i3TOUCH display
Air quality sensor
The i3CAIR Air Quality Sensor can monitor the air quality of your workspace or classroom and trigger alerts when rooms need to be ventilated
Wellbeing Index
The indoor air quality index, along with individual sensor data such as temperature, humidity, particle matter, and carbon dioxide levels can be consulted easily on the i3TOUCH display
One-cable connection
The i3CAIR solution easily connects to your i3TOUCH device with a USB-C connection which can be connected to the screen.
Plug and play
It’s as simple as that. The i3TOUCH will automatically recognize when an i3CAIR is plugged in
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