Clear-Com VI-PNL-12P-X4 2 RU Panel mit Pushbuttons für Eclipse Matrix System
Kommunikation -> Intercomsysteme -> Clear-Com VI-PNL-12P-X4 2 RU Panel mit Pushbuttons für Eclipse Matrix System
1 865,00 € netto excl.19% MwSt.
2 219,35 € brutto incl. 19% MwSt.
Pro Stück VerhandlungsbasisErstellt:
13.03.2025 11:07Zustand:

Clear-Com VI-PNL-12P-X4 1 RU Panel mit Lever Keys für Eclipse Matrix System
- Color OLEDs for quick and easy key differentiation
- AES67 low latency audio IP connections to Eclipse HX matrix frames via E-IPA-HX card
- Individual key menus help ease of use and assignment
- Individual up/down audio level controls for personal mixes
- Fast key assign from pre-defined scroll lists or using numeric pad
- Optional repositioning of Reply key
- Optional additional Reply key for busy positions
- Vertical font display options
- International 10-character alpha-numeric fonts: Cyrillic, Hangul, Kanji, Katakana and Arabic
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for audio routing, Dynamics, IFB routing and local loudpseaker dimming
- Built-in Interfaces: Matrix (direct connect), Matrix (Ethernet/IP), GPIO, Aux Audio, 2nd Headset
- Multi-channel Matrix Connections: Direct connect (1 main + 2 aux), IP (3 channels)
Mehr Details gibt es hier:
Bei Interesse an größeren/kleineren Panels oder alternativ Pushbutton statt Rotary, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
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Studio Hamburg MCI GmbH
Olaf Gehrke
Jenfelder Allee
DE22045, Hamburg
Telefon: 04066883214