Extron Used | Extron - ISS 506
Videotechnik -> Bildmischer / Switcher -> Extron Used | Extron - ISS 506
250,00 € netto excl.21% MwSt.
302,50 € brutto incl. 21% MwSt.
Pro Stück VerhandlungsbasisErstellt:
12.03.2025 08:10Zustand:

Condition: Good
Flightcase: Not included
Accessories: -
The ISS 506 features four inputs that are fully configurable and accept any common input source, from composite video and S-video to HDTV component video and any RGB format for high resolution computer-video. Two additional inputs are available for standard definition video, and there's also the option of installing an expansion card that accepts SDI - Serial Digital Interface and HD-SDI input signals.
For more information, please check our web shop: https://www.salesall.eu/nl/tweedehands/video/used-extron-iss-506
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