KV2 Audio CS12 - 2-way passive speaker - NEW
Tontechnik -> Lautsprecher -> KV2 Audio CS12 - 2-way passive speaker - NEW
2 000,00 € netto excl.21% MwSt.
2 420,00 € brutto incl. 21% MwSt.
Pro Set VerhandlungsbasisErstellt:
14.11.2024 18:38Zustand:

The CS12 is a high-quality 2-way passive speaker that provides unmatched clarity and definition in a simple elegant package. Utilizing the same 3” NVPD large format compression driver found in KV2’s flagship VHD series, the CS12 takes this performance and adds the CS range of benefits including selectable input switching, for running two channels down the same cable, ergonomic recessed handles, quick rigging options and KV2’s rugged touring paint finish for long term protection on the road.
Horizontal and vertical bracket available.
Gianluca Trevisan
AV Wallis
ES07800, Ibiza
Telefon: +41792307877
E-Mail: gianluca.trevisan@plusmusic.net