Yamaha Rivage PM5 CS-R5 + DSP-RX + HY144-D-SRC inkl. Case + Dustcover

Tontechnik -> Mischpulte -> Yamaha Rivage PM5 CS-R5 + DSP-RX + HY144-D-SRC inkl. Case + Dustcover


Preis: 45 000,00 € netto excl.27% MwSt.
          57 150,00 € brutto incl. 27% MwSt.
Pro Set Verhandlungsbasis
Erstellt: 03.11.2024 10:07


For sale: Yamaha Rivage PM5 mixing system, including the CS-R5 control surface, DSP-RX processing unit, and HY144-D-SRC card. This professional-grade audio mixing solution is perfect for live sound and studio applications.
The package also includes a protective case and dust cover to ensure your equipment stays in pristine condition. Elevate your sound mixing experience with this top-tier setup.
For more information and photos, please contact me.


Vivius Audio
Edward Jason
Rákóczi út
HU1074, Budapest
Telefon: +3618895405
E-Mail: jw6937914@gmail.com