CEDAR DNS2000 Dialog Noise Supressor

Tontechnik -> 19 " Geräte -> CEDAR DNS2000 Dialog Noise Supressor


Preis: 555,00 € brutto incl.19% MwSt.
          466,39 € netto excl. 19% MwSt.
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Erstellt: 31.10.2024 14:34


CEDAR DNS2000 Dialog Noise Supressor
Live DSP Plugin. AAx
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Aus den zum Artikel gehörigen technischen Informationen des Herstellers haben wir folgende Daten entnommen:

MIKE AITON BROWNE tests the Pro Tools friendly version of this
popular noise nobbler from CEDAR.
In my review of the stand-alone CEDAR DNS 1000 Dialogue Noise Suppressor - a must have for
the savvy dubbing mixer - I had mentioned my desire for a timecode automated version of the
product due to the increasing use of virtual mixes. This would save having to re-record each
processed clip and would also give the added benefit (when reviewing with the client) of being
able to adjust the processing easily.
I was therefore intrigued when I heard rumblings about a Pro Tools version. This sounded too
good to be true. I have since tried the DNS 2000 on real world examples such as BBC Horizon,
Changing Rooms, and Gary Rhodes' cookery programme - with the luxury of comparing it to
some of its market competitors.
The DNS 2000 is a IU 20cm deep rack - which contains the processing electronics and audio I/O,
and a USB connector to the controlling computer. The required USB cable and software on CDROM are also included. It is important to realise that this is not just a standard Pro Tools plug-in,
but in fact, a hardware device controlled from an RTAS plug-in. After a quick gander at the very
readable manual, I installed the plug-in software and connected the 'enclosed' XLR AES I/O from
my Digidesign 192 interface box, then added the USB cable between the CEDAR Box and the
In Use
After booting Pro Tools the CEDAR DNS 2000 was available as a mono or stereo RTAS plug-in.
The only question was how to implement it. Previously with the DNS 1000 I had used pre-fader
aux sends on my AMS Logic 1 and routed the CEDAR output to the Audiofile input to record the
processed output.
I routed all the signals needing to be processed to a CEDAR bus, with each channel having a
pre-fader output to the bus, and an RTAS control plug-in (which has to be before any TDM plugin). The bus was routed out to the CEDAR. The CEDAR return was fed back into Pro Tools via an
external Aux input and fed as per usual to the dialogue group, and thence to the M&E/Main
outputs as applicable.
The DNS2000 was a fully automated implementation of our DNS technology designed specifically for Pro Tools users. Connected to its Mac- or Windows- based Pro Tools host using a USB cable, the DNS2000 processor provided the 24-bit I/O for the system and could handle two independent channels simultaneously. Housed in a 1U rack, it added considerable processing power to the host and performed all of the audio processing in real-time, thus freeing up the host computer's CPU for other tasks. With less than 0.2ms latency, it was perfect for real-time applications so, in addition to its obvious place in post and dubbing suites, it was also used widely for studio and remote broadcast, where it would eliminate noise and control excessive reverberation with no loss of lip-sync. With multiple frequency ranges that allowed users to tune the processing to the type of noise, full-band processing when needed, and an intuitive user-interface, the DNS2000 offered the best combination of audio quality, flexibility, speed and simplicity.

Drawing upon the advanced timecode capabilities provided within Pro Tools, the DNS2000 added full automation to our existing DNS technology. You could use dynamic automation or snapshot automation to ensure that the amount of noise reduction was always appropriate for the job at hand. These facilities made the DNS2000 particularly suitable for film production, video production and dubbing. The DNS2000 Control System (which replaced the original Remote Control Software) was an RTAS plug-in that ran on Mac- and PC- based Pro Tools HD and LE, and M-Powered systems. It provided a fast and intuitive user-interface based on CEDAR's DNS1500 dynamic noise suppressor, itself a standard for post, dubbing and audio forensic applications. The software controlled all aspects of the DNS2000, and automated its operating parameters. Furthermore, it was capable of controlling up to 126 individual DNS2000s, making it more than adequate for the largest studio and post installations.


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E-Mail: joerg.huber@cine-plus.de