Barco HDX Flex Barco HDX-W18 1920 x 1200 - 20K DLP projektor
Videotechnik -> Projektoren -> Barco HDX Flex Barco HDX-W18 1920 x 1200 - 20K DLP projektor
3 528,00 € netto excl.25% MwSt.
4 410,00 € brutto incl. 25% MwSt.
Pro Stück FestpreisErstellt:
02.05.2023 11:50Zuletzt aktualisiert:
26.04.2024 09:21Zustand:

Barco HDX Flex Barco HDX-W18 1920 x 1200 - 20K DLP projektor
from 2013
hours 2.000
no opjective included in the price, its a ad on.
cased and frame
BARCO Lens offer price is each:
02 x Barco TLD+ lens 0,73:1 for FLM Each - €1725
06 x Barco TLD+ lens 1,5 - 2,0 for FLM €1725
03 x Barco TLD+ lens 2,0 - 2,8 for FLM €1725
02 x Barco TLD+ lens 2,8 - 4,5 for FLM €1725
02 x Barco TLD-HB lens 1.2:1 for FLM/SLM €1275
02 x Barco TLD-HB lens 1.6-2.0:1 for FLM/SLM €1275
04 x Barco TLD-HB lens 2.0-2.8:1 for FLM/SLM €1275
02 x Barco TLD-HB lens 2.8-5.0:1 for FLM/SLM €1275
03 x Barco TLD-HB lens 5.0-8.0:1 for FLM/SLM €1275
Nordic Sales
Lars Bo Baadsgaard
Stadionvej 28
DK7173, Givskud
Telefon: +4527102666