TC electronic DB6 SINGLE Bstock Broadcast Audio Processor with Intelligent Loudness Management
Tontechnik -> 19 " Geräte -> TC electronic DB6 SINGLE Bstock Broadcast Audio Processor with Intelligent Loudness Management
2 000,00 € netto excl.19% MwSt.
2 380,00 € brutto incl. 19% MwSt.
Pro Stück FestpreisErstellt:
10.11.2021 16:00Zuletzt aktualisiert:
01.11.2023 07:38Zustand:

TC electronic DB6 SINGLE Bstock Broadcast Audio Processor with Intelligent Loudness Management
One-Step, Automatic Loudness Management
TV and Mobile TV Audio Processor
Built-In 3G Transmission Card
Handles One SD/HD/3G SDI Stream
Compliant with All Major Standards
Loudness Wizard Algorithm
LM6 Loudness Radar Meter
Dual Redundancy
Includes TC Icon Software & DB6 Software
1 RU High-Density Design
The TC Electronic DB6 Single is a broadcast transmission audio processor that provides a complete and intelligent loudness management solution to help broadcasters with their loudness responsibilities. It employs a one-step process that preserves the details of your audio, while allowing you to stay compliant with broadcast standards and legislation at all times.
B-Stock Ware. 305188
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pan-pro GmbH
Klaus Hünteler
DE49393, Lohne
Telefon: +49 4442 -92900