Covid CVD 4210 & 4220 4xCSI7221 4xCSI7220 Fiberlink
Videotechnik -> sonstige Videotechnik -> Covid CVD 4210 & 4220 4xCSI7221 4xCSI7220 Fiberlink
111,00 € brutto incl.19% MwSt.
93,28 € netto excl. 19% MwSt.
Pro Set VerhandlungsbasisErstellt:
14.10.2019 23:33Zuletzt aktualisiert:
29.01.2024 11:33Zustand:

Covid CVD 4210 & 4220 4xCSI7221 4xCSI7220 Fiberlink
diverse Optical Kabel nicht zum System passend,
Es handelt sich um gebrauchte Geräte aus Vermietbestand. Altersgemäßer Gebrauchtgeräte-Zustand ,ohne weiteres Zubehör , verkauft wird nur was auf den Bildern zu sehen ist.
Aus dem zum Artikel gehörigen technischen Informationen des Herstellers haben wir folgende Daten entnommen:
• Transmission to 3 Kilometers
• Direct VGA Video Input, Local Monitor
Support, and VGA Output
• Cable Connection Sets for SUN, SGI, and MAC
• ST Optical Connectors
• Automatic Gain Control
• DC Restoration
• Sync Polarity Selected Either Manually or
• Covers Complete Audio Frequency Range:
20 Hz to 20 KHz
• KVM Extender
• PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse
• RS232
• Elimination of Ground Loops
• Immunity to Electromagnetic Interference
• Rack Mountable, Metal Enclosure
• Internal Power
The CVD 4210 and CVD 4220 Fiber Optic Communication Products by
Covid allow direct connection of computers (KVM) and audio sources
for signal transmission over fiber optic cable. Spanning
distances to three kilometers,
excellent picture quality through bright, sharp images without the
signal degradation and smearing of coax at extended lengths. Signal
integrity is also maintained through fiber optic cable’s immunity to
electrical interference and cross-talk. Fiber optic cable has certain
intrinsic benefits for installation success including resistance to
electromagnetic interference (EMI), lighting, and the elimination of
ground loops through electrical isolation. Tactical and military
installations often require fiber p
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