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Preis: 5 750,00 € netto excl.8.1% MwSt.
          6 215,75 € brutto incl. 8.1% MwSt.
Pro Set Verhandlungsbasis
Verfügbare Anzahl 1
Erstellt: 19.04.2024 17:31
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 19.04.2024 18:23

These Rio3224-D and Rio1608-D were part of a fixed installation together with M7CL. Both Rios are also available for sale as individual items.

Individual price - Rio3224-D = 4250 EUR excl. Mwst and shipment
Individual price - Rio1608-D = 2000 EUR excl. Mwst and shipment

Bundle price Rio3224-D & Rio1608-D = 5750 EUR excl. Mwst and shipment

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